Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Home Sweet Fukuoka

Guess who's back, back again? Eric's back, for the win. That kind of rhymes right? Well I'm back from Tokyo, almost missed my flight, but I made it with literally no time to spare. So since I think it's going to take me a little bit of time to sort through the 1200 or so pictures/videos I've collected over the course of the two weeks I was in Tokyo and I'm not sure when I'll get around to this story, I'll tell it now just to give you guys a taste of my adventures and basically what I went through 3 hours ago.

The Way Home

My flight leaves on Wednesday at 7:50 AM from Haneda Airport which is about an hour away by subway from my hostel in central Tokyo. Subways start at 5:15 AM, so if I was to make it to the airport with even a decent buffer of time (an hour and a half) then I would have to leave at 5:15, get there at 6:15-6:30 and have about an hour and a half to find the terminal, check in a bag, go through security, get to my terminal and board the plane. Even with an hour and a half, it was still cutting it a little close.

The Disaster

I could not sleep the night before for some strange reason. Perhaps I was excited to go home. Not that I didn't absolutely love Tokyo, but I did miss Fukuoka and some of the comforts of just being home. So I laid in bed for 3 hours, played with my itouch for an hour, and then fell asleep sometime around 3:45 I think (an hour before i was supposed to wake up). I did not wake up on time. I groggily checked my watch at 6:20 and freaked. I had overslept an hour and a half. I had exactly an hour and a half to do what I had planned to do in 3 hours. Luckily, I had packed everything pretty well the night before so I got out of the hostel pretty quickly. Ran to the station, waited 4 minutes for the next train (I must have missed the last one by 1-2 minutes) and made my way towards Haneda Airport. I get to the ticket counter and one of the employees actually runs me to the airport security check point. I find out that I had forgot that I packed a swiss army knife in my backpack from LA. I had made it into Taiwan, out of Taiwan, into Fukuoka, out of Fukuoka, and into Tokyo with it, but they finally caught it this time. So they confiscated it, I didn't care that much, I just wanted to make it to the terminal, and another employee switched off and ran me to the gate. I get on the plane exactly at 7:50. Not five minutes later, the plane leaves the gate. Closest call ever. But I'm home now, so I guess it just makes for a good story now.

Stay tuned for Tokyo updates. I'll try not to lag too much.

1 comment:

  1. owen told us a bit about your christmas! we asked if he read your blog and he was like "yeah" and all of us were like AWWWWWW!!!

    necCESS-ary HAHAH
