Saturday, October 10, 2009

Feeling Fortunate

I think just as a short point of self contemplation, I really feel that I have been blessed. Talking to people from all over the world has definitely made me realized a some key things about them and about myself. I am a part of a group of people who are allowed to date openly, not forbidden by a culture and a family system that oppresses natural feelings, I am a part of a social class that can afford to get on a plane to see a place or to see a friend simply because I want to, I can afford to go out with new friends, I live in a society that does not have a constant overbearing pressure to perform, to succeed and to beat out everyone else, I live with the philosophy that love exists and that love and money are not interconnected, I am allowed to grow and think for myself, I am fortunate.


  1. haha. yes. i like this. i think you're on your way to becoming "wordly" my friend.

  2. this always happens to me when i travel
