Saturday, October 10, 2009

Life In Japan: My Room

This is my room.

Starting from the lower left picture, I've come to the conclusion that Fukuoka has perhaps the most unfortunate acronym of any place in the world. The next picture to the right is the original set up of my desk. I have since rearranged my furniture to the second picture from the top right so that I have more room. What do you expect? I'm an architect. The picture on the lower right is my hall. (I'm the last door on the left) The room is fully furnished and comes with my own kitchen sink, mini-fridge and stove top. The last but definitely best of these sets of pictures is the bathroom. So you ask, are there really robots and transformers in Japan? I can honestly say yes, my bathroom is a transformer of sorts. The picture on the upper left is the "shower mode". The sink encases the toilet and the other half of the bathroom becomes the shower. When you're done, you can transform it back to regular "bathroom mode" and push the sink back over revealing the toilet. I think this is quite nifty and it feels a bit like using an airplane bathroom if somehow they fit a shower in it as well. I personally like the efficiency of it and I know that I could never think of a better way to fit a full sized bathroom into 8 sq ft. These pictures took a while to gather because 1, it is a pretty narrow space and even with my back pressed against the opposite wall, its not easy to fit things into pictures. But finally today I spent the day cleaning/organizing and photographing my room.

I am not really homesick. I do miss people, but I don't feel like I want to go home. I do however dream of home. Perhaps a piece of my mind is still at home. But I will dream of doing things at home and it is a pleasant dream. Maybe that is homesickness?


  1. you probably won't be homesick for a while :) but that's ok.

    & i see you already started your collection of japanese drinks, haha.

  2. yea, i dont feel homesick either. I love this country.
    this morning when i woke up i litterally thought i was in my room back home. i dont think its homesickness tho, i think i means im so comfortable it feels like home here.
