Monday, October 5, 2009

Lessons Learned:
1) Don't wear new shoes when I go on long hikes. Wear old shoes, I won't mind if they get dirty and my feet wo't be throbbing by mid-day
2) Bring notebook everywhere I go because I will forget Lessons Learned (I know there were more)
3) Don't forget brand new umbrella in the cab (it was only $3, but still)
4) Cool bartenders mean trouble
5) A pair of pants that will fit around your neck buttoned up will fit around your waist

Differences Between Taiwan and America:
1) Cars have the right of way, not pedestrians
2) Seat belts are too much of a nuisance to even include in cars
3) Scooters can weave through opposing traffic as long as the rider is without fear of cars, busses or death
4) The shower is the bathroom

Bug Bite Count: 4


  1. dood. kintaro style. notebook! i'm starting mine this i would use a moleskin because they're durable and stuff...haaai!!!
