Saturday, October 10, 2009

Life in Japan: My Stuff

This is a catalog of a few of my things.

My new alarm clock which I got for less than 20 yen and rings its two metal feet when it wakes me up (well i think it's cute), my first bowl of legit hakata ramen, my ticket stubs to Taiwan and Japan, my closet, some of my money (yes that's 10,00 yen, and yes i am a baller) and my new japanese cell phone from Softbank that comes with wait for it.... that's right, TV! The phones here all have this nifty feature where you can send and receive all your information via infrared sensor. So instead of trading numbers, names, email info, etc every time you meet a new friend or get a numba you just push a few buttons, give it a few seconds and vwah-lah. And keep in mind this was like the cheapest phone in the store. I didn't just go all out buying fun Japanese gadgetry. I don't even know what features the best ones have. I know one is solar powered.

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